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We are the global leader in functional medicine education, training, certification, and clinical practice.

The Future is Functional

What is
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Each individual has unique genetic, environmental, and lifestyle influences that determine a state of health or disease. By evaluating and treating these root causes of dysfunction, functional medicine provides a systematic framework for delivering personalized care that restores health.

Provide a
deeper level
of care.
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Functional medicine fosters a collaborative partnership between practitioner and patient, empowering them to take an active role in their healthcare. Practitioners are trained to fully understand the context of their patients' lives and address all dimensions of their well-being—body, mind, and spirit. 

Expand your
clinical skills
and practice.

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Functional medicine-trained clinicians continue to be the most sought-after healthcare providers in private practices, health systems, and other clinical settings. Why? By integrating the latest research and personalized care strategies into practice, functional medicine helps patients reach their full health potential.

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Help Your Patients Achieve Healthier Outcomes
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Harness the power of nutrition, lifestyle modifications, conventional therapeutics, and other healing modalities that matter most to your patients. Transform how you practice with functional medicine!

Get started with online, introductory courses

Begin a new era of your practice.

Subscribe to IFM’s free Clinical Digest and get started with:

  • An introduction to functional medicine tools and concepts in your first email
  • Research insights, free learnings, and other resources to support your practice
  • Functional medicine news and clinical opportunities